Saturday, December 28, 2019

Goddesses and Sexual Assault in Greek Myth

Everyone knows the stories of Greek gods sexual encounters with mortal women, such as when Zeus stole Europa in the shape of a bull and ravished her. Then, there was the time he mated with Leda as a swan, and when he turned poor Io into a cow after having his way with her. But not only human women suffered violent sexual attention from the opposite sex. Even the most powerful females of them all — the goddesses of ancient Greece — fell victim to sexual assault and harassment in Greek myth. Athena and the Snake Baby Patroness of Athens and all-around brilliant divinity, Athena was rightly proud of her chastity. Unfortunately, she ended up enduring harassment from fellow gods — there was one, in particular, her half-brother, Hephaestus. As Hyginus recounts in his Fabulae, Hephaestus approached Athena — whom he says agreed to marry her brother, although that’s doubtful. The bride-to-be resisted. Hephaestus was too excited to keep control, and, â€Å"as they struggled, some of his seed fell to earth, and from it, a boy was born, the lower part of whose body was snake-formed.† Another account has Athena coming to her blacksmith brother for some armor, and, after he attempted to rape her, he â€Å"dropped his seed on the leg of the goddess.†Ã‚  Appalled, Athena wiped his sperm off with a piece of wool and dropped it on the ground, inadvertently fertilizing the earth. Who was the mother, then, if not Athena? Why, Hephaestus’s own ancestress, Gaia, a.k.a. Earth. The child resulting from Hephaestus’s attempted rape of Athena was dubbed Erichthonius — although he may have been one and the same with his descendant, the similarly-named Erechtheus. Summarizes Pausanias, â€Å"Men say that Erichthonius had no human father, but that his parents were Hephaestus and Earth.† Dubbed â€Å"earth-born,† as in Euripides’ Ion, Athena took an interest in her new nephew. Perhaps that was because Erichthonius was an interesting fellow — after all, he was to be king over her city of Athens. Athena stuck Erichthonius in a box and wrapped a snake around him, then entrusted the child to the daughters of Athens’ king. These girls were â€Å"Aglaurus, Pandrosus, and Herse, daughters of Cecrops,† as Hyginus says. As Ovid recounts in his Metamorphoses, Athena â€Å"ordered them not to pry into its secret,† but they did anyway†¦and were either repelled by the snake and baby snuggling — or the fact he mightve been half-snake — or were even driven insane by Athena. Either way, they ended up committing suicide by jumping off the Acropolis. Erichthonius wound up becoming king of Athens. He established both his foster mother’s worship on the Acropolis and the festival of the Panathenaia.   Heras Hardly on Cloud Nine Not even the Queen of Olympus, Hera, was immune to disgusting advances. For one, Zeus, her husband, and the king of the gods may have raped her to shame her into marrying him. Even after her wedding, Hera was still subjected to such horrible incidences. During the war between the gods and the Giants, the latter stormed their rivals’ home on Mt. Olympus. For some reason, Zeus decided to make one giant in particular, Porphyrion, lust after Hera, whom he was already attacking. Then, when Porphyrion tried to rape Hera, â€Å"she called for help, and Zeus smote him with a thunderbolt, and Hercules shot him dead with an arrow.† Why Zeus felt the need to jeopardize his wife in order to justify his murder of a giant — when the gods were already slaying the monsters left and right — boggles the mind. This wasn’t the only time Hera was nearly raped. At one point, she had an ardent mortal admirer named Ixion. In order to satisfy this guy’s lust, Zeus created a cloud that looked exactly like Hera for Ixion to sleep with. Not knowing the difference, Ixion had sex with the cloud, which produced the half-human, half-horse Centaurs. For presuming to sleep with Hera, Zeus sentenced this man to be strapped to a wheel in the Underworld that never stopped turning. This cloud-Hera had a long career of her own. Named Nephele, she ended up marrying Athamas, a king of Boeotia; when Athamas’s second wife wanted to harm Nephele’s children, the cloud lady popped her kids onto a ram — who just happened to have a Golden Fleece — and they flew off. In a similar episode to Hera and Porphyrion, the giant Tityus lusted after Leto, the divine mother of Apollo and Artemis. Writes Pseudo-Apollodorus, â€Å"When Latona [Leto in Latin] came to Pytho [Delphi], Tityus beheld her, and overpowered by lust drew her to him. But she called her children to her aid, and they shot him down with their arrows.†Ã‚  Also, like Ixion, Tityus suffered for his misdeeds in the afterlife, â€Å"for vultures eat his heart in Hades.† Holding Helen and Pursuing Persephone Apparently, sexual assault on the divine ran in Ixion’s family. His son by a prior marriage, Pirithous, became best friends with Theseus. Both guys made vows to abduct and seduce (read: rape) daughters of Zeus, as Diodorus Siculus notes. Theseus kidnapped a pre-teen Helen and may have fathered a daughter with her. That child was Iphigenia, who, in this version of the story, was raised as Agamemnon and Clytemnestra’s kid and was, of course, sacrificed at Aulis in order for the Greek ships to get good winds to sail to Troy. Pirithous dreamed even bigger, lusting after Persephone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter and wife of Hades. Persephone’s own husband kidnapped and raped her, ending up forcing her to stay in the Underworld a good part of the year. Theseus was reluctant to try to abduct a goddess, but he had sworn to help his friend. The two went into the Underworld, but Hades figured out their plan and chained them down. When Heracles trotted down to Hades once, he freed his old pal Theseus,  but Pirithous remained in the Underworld for eternity. Ancient Greece as a Rape Culture? Can we actually identify consent or rape in Greek myth? In some colleges, students have requested trigger warnings before discussing particularly violent Greek texts. The incredibly violent circumstances that appear in Greek myths and tragic plays have led some scholars to deem ancient Greek tragedy a â€Å"rape culture.†Ã‚  It’s an interesting notion; a few classicists have argued that misogyny and rape are modern constructs and such ideas can’t be used effectively when evaluating the past. For example, from one perspective arguing  for terms like â€Å"seduction† and â€Å"kidnapping† over â€Å"rape,† negates the character’s anguish, while other scholars see rape as an initiation rite or identify victims as the aggressors. The above hypotheses can be neither confirmed nor denied but can present different arguments for the reader to consider both sides and to add a few more stories to the repertoire of seduction or sexual violence in Greek myth. This time, there are stories of the highest ladies in the land — goddesses — suffering as their female counterparts did.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger - 1515 Words

In the novel, The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caulfield is a very complex and interesting person to take into consideration and psychoanalyze. His various traits make him a different person from the rest of the phonies in the world. Holden says, â€Å"All you do is make a lot of dough and play golf and play bridge and buy cars and drink Martinis and look like a hot-shot. How would you know you werent being a phony? The trouble is, you wouldnt.† What Holden doesn’t realize is that he is a phony as well. This is ironic because he says you don’t know if you are a phony, but he is. Salinger’s life is reflected in the book, there are many similarities to his life and Holden’s. Holden is a perfect example of Freud’s†¦show more content†¦Honest to God, we could have a terrific time† (Salinger 137). This is his dream for himself and Sally. He wants to run away with Sally but she is more reasonable person. Sh e tells him they can’t just do that. He gets mad and they start arguing. Him imagining the vision is a way to escape the real world. â€Å"However, according to Freud, when the desired object†¦ isn’t available, the ID [unconscious urges and desires], is able to achieve some partial gratification by forming a mental image of the desired object† (Nevid 470). According to Freud, by imagining himself and Sally he feels a little better and has a brief good moment. This comes crumbling down when Sally doesn’t agree. They automatically start arguing with each other. Another instance of him imagining things is his hunting hat. â€Å"I sort of closed one eye, like I was taking aim at it. ‘This is a people shooting hat,’ I said. ‘I shoot people in this hat† (Salinger 22). He imagines shooting people. He gets mad when Ackley says it is a dear shooting hat. He says he doesn’t like phonies, so most likely the people he shoots are the people he doesn’t like. The hat can represent his inner child since children usually play pretend guns. Like Freud said this is what Holden does to get some gratification by using his imagination. Holden also says that he wants to be the catcher in the rye. This would be his true dream to help children. His fantasy worlds are a way to balance his emotions as he goes from the realShow MoreRelatedThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger637 Words   |  3 PagesThe Catcher in the Rye, by J.D Salinger, consists of many minor characters. There are more than about sixty characters in the novel in which only three of them are major characters (Holden, Allie, and Phoebe) and the rest minor. Many of these characters are just mentioned with no lasting impact on either the novel itself or Holden. Salinger uses minor characters in the Catcher in the Rye to tell the readers about Holden and his views about the world. The first minor character seen in the CatcherRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger654 Words   |  3 Pagesfirst questions that came to my mind when I received the first assignment notice that we would be reading The Catcher in the Rye for English class. The title is most likely the single most important word choice that the author must make. J.D. Salinger uses the title in the book to allude to more than just when Holden sees the young child singing. J.D. Salingers title, The Catcher in the Rye, alludes to the conflict Holden faces of sexuality when growing up. The first reference made to the titleRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger944 Words   |  4 PagesMany people have different aspects and impressions on a teenager’s life. Some say society is the problem for their misbehaviours while others say it is the child who is responsible. Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger tells a story of a teenage boy named Holden Caulfield who gets kicked out from school to school. He never pushed himself in academics or anything and ended up failing, at most, everything. He re-tells what happened to him in New York after he got kicked out of Pencey Prep and secretlyRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger1005 Words   |  5 PagesHolden Caulfield, the protagonist of J.D. Salinger’s classic coming of age tale The Catcher in the Rye, entices readers through his hyper-critical scrutinization of the post-war consumer world. The novel itself is acclaimed to be quite autobiographical; the similarities between Salinger and H olden are numerous. Holden is an avid critic of materialistic American ideals, and he aims to preserve innocence in others, and to save himself from falling into the land of adulthood. After failing out ofRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger862 Words   |  3 PagesThe Catcher in the Rye a novel written by J.D. Salinger, the book starts off with Holden Caulfield, main protagonist, talks about his experience alone the weekend before he went home after getting kicked out of Pencey Prep.Holden seems to be embracing the growing up mentality yet he is frighten of adulthood he is trying to keep his innocence. Holden’s attitude toward life in general is perplexed. He pretends to be an adult by drinking heavily, yet he complains like a child. Holdens thoughts arentRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger798 Words   |  3 PagesCatcher in the Rye Essay Anyone who has lost a beloved relative to cancer or other illnesses can understand how difficult it is to return to a normal living routine and move on with their lives without the relative. In J.D. Salinger’s novel, Holden Caulfield has to deal with the loss of his younger brother to leukemia. A few years after his younger brother, Allie, passed away, Holden finds himself being kicked out of yet another boarding school, this one being Pencey Prep in Pennsylvania. HoldenRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger1104 Words   |  4 Pages J.D. Salinger has written multiple novels, but his most famous is The Catcher in the Rye. Not only is this novel famous for its literary merit, it is also known as his most banned novel in certain schools. Even though this novel has been banned, J.D. Salinger’s themes and moralistic purposes serve literary worth. In The Catcher in the Rye, the reader is first introduced to Holden Caulfield, as first person narrator. He is a radically independent adolescent who tosses off judgments at ease unselfconsciouslyRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger983 Words   |  4 PagesCatcher in the Rye Essay Throughout Catcher in the Rye there are a lot of small parts of the story where it would be linked to the book and to the text all together. J.D. Salinger created a lot of important passages that would be associated with what type of message that he was trying to convey to the audience. Salinger would develop certain characters like Phoebe through her description and actions to have a influence on Holden, thus causing him to change as a character and reveal sides of himRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger507 Words   |  2 PagesJ.D Salinger is a very known american writer whose literature became very popular. His books revolved around many ideas such as his view on children. Children in many of his books have an innocence that Salinger grasps onto and makes adults corrupt. Also, he shows how children are teachers to adults but can still be foolish. Purity in children are expressed throughout many stories by Salinger. In Catcher In the Rye, Holden repeatedly expressed â€Å"Did you ask her if she still keeps all her kings inRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger667 Words   |  3 PagesIn a J.D Salinger novel, The Catcher in the rye interprets the adolescent world full of patience and misery. Holden Caulfield, hardly being the complete opposite of a typical protagonist. Instead, being the archetype of an anti-hero facing adolescent over anxiety. He is a teenager forced to grow up in a time of turmoil with severe emotional handicaps placed upon him by family, friends and life in general. Caulfield sets himself on such a journey and is portrayed as an individual on a quest for validation

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Red lipstick free essay sample

It is bold, dramatic, sexy, mysterious, sophistication or immortal? The color red can be interpreted in many ways. You see a lot of women with these vivid red lips; What message do you think they are sending? Red lipstick as we know is just a fashion trend and is commonly seen among women today. Red lipstick was not commonly worn by the everyday women years ago, but has transition the meanings. We will write a custom essay sample on Red lipstick or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Red lipstick has a history from centuries ago to today; Is red lips a good or bad image for women? It is bold, dramatic, sexy, mysterious, sophistication or immortal? The color red can be interpreted in many ways. You see a lot of women with these vivid red lips; What message do you think they are sending? Red lipstick as we know is just a fashion trend and is commonly seen among women today. Red lipstick was not commonly worn by the everyday women years ago, but has transition the meanings. Red lipstick has a history from centuries ago to today; Is red lips a good or bad image for women? It is bold, dramatic, sexy, mysterious, sophistication or immortal? The color red can be interpreted in many ways. You see a lot of women with these vivid red lips; What message do you think they are sending? Red lipstick as we know is just a fashion trend and is commonly seen among women today. Red lipstick was not commonly worn by the everyday women years ago, but has transition the meanings. Red lipstick has a history from centuries ago to today; Is red lips a good or bad image for women? It is bold, dramatic, sexy, mysterious, sophistication or immortal? The color red can be interpreted in many ways. You see a lot of women with these vivid red lips; What message do you think they are sending? Red lipstick as we know is just a fashion trend and is commonly seen among women today. Red lipstick was not commonly worn by the everyday women years ago, but has transition the meanings. Red lipstick has a history from centuries ago to today; Is red lips a good or bad image for women?

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Social Networks in Business Specific to Cafe- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theSocial Networks in Business Specific to Cafe. Answer: Evaluating the effectiveness and usefulness of the learning experience An effective assessment always assesses the student's quality and learning. In this assessment, there were two different parts, in the first part, it was related to the literature review and in the second part and it was associated with the research proposal. I chose my topic as advantages and disadvantages of social networks in business specific caf. This assessment is designed in a great way, as per my opinion, the learning is superb as in the beforehand; we got to know the advantages and disadvantages of social networks in business specific contexts. After that, we were told to make a proposal on this topic. In literature review section, we got to understand the concepts of scholars and what they stated on social networking issues in business. In this assessment, I read many blogs, journals, articles and books on the topic of social networking in business contexts; moreover, I discussed many subjects with my fellow students. There were lots of questions that haunted me during making research proposal as I did not know how to collect primary data. As stated by Knott and Scragg (2015), the learning experience is proportional to time to spend on learning. I invested my time on this assessment and I learnt so many vanities of aspects about social networking. Explaining how this learning process will be useful This business research programme will be useful to me in order to get knowledge on research on the specific subject and it will judge my capability to get knowledge in doing research. Moreover, this program engaged me in the exploration of the entire business project, organising the business plan and carrying out research project perfectly. In a previous time, I did not have enough knowledge with details in defining the suitable business project and in methodology. However, now, I am capable of making a plan for business research, understanding of professional ethics and recognising issues in the business process. After doing this assessment, I will be able to develop career-related capabilities and it will help me to develop managerial proficiencies. I have gained knowledge in business numeracy and literacy with working in the new economy. It will further help me in leadership skills and in business and develop my knowledge in entrepreneurship. In literature review section, I have gathered knowledge about social networks applying in business and in a future life, I can apply this knowledge in future in my life when it requires. Business research has influenced in gaining knowledge mainly business methodology and ethics in business research (Husebo et al. 2015). Doing literature review on this topic filled me with knowledge of scholarly papers and I understood that there are various perspectives in social networking. While doing research proposal, I got to know how to collect data for research. The learning outcomes are clear and learning experiences both virtual and face-to-face with tutors have been an asset to me. Social networking subject is common in todays life, however, from operational and business standpoint, my learning will provide value in future. Describing objectively what happened in the learning process Doing literature review and finding the research gap to make a research question was not easy. I had done two meetings with my classmates and it was extremely helpful for me to understand the topic. I had a face-to-face conversation with my tutor to gain knowledge about the literature review to select my topic. I read various journals searching in Google Scholars and I found out five interesting journals that are recently published and related to my topic. I read various blogs on the subject and it was helpful for me. Most importantly, I read various books on business research apart from my course materials. I read Introduction to Business, Masters of Management and Researching Business and Marketing. These books helped me to gather knowledge on business research and understanding social responsibility with ethics. Evaluating learning experience Business research is the way of collecting necessary information of the business and also of the industry (Arends, 2014). In this regard, this assessment provides me knowledge in the contemporary topic of the subject like a social network. Business Research was useful in order to gain knowledge about business objectives and data collection procedures. Learning and cognition process of individuals are different (Wei et al. 2015). In my case, conducting research on business helped to gain knowledge on the content area of learning with professional development and assessment. In my case, my learning style is behaviourism as I believed in observable behaviours. I mostly learn from observation and my psychology is experimental. I learned things from books and journals about the research, however, I tried to observe and measure those learning. Explaining learning process In case of assignment 1, it dealt with mainly literature review and I gained knowledge about social network on a subjective basis. I have learned about social networking channels with their benefits and disadvantages. In this regard, my knowledge boosted up with cafe related social networking factors. Literature review section provided me with the knowledge of popularity scale of each of the social networking platforms and it provided dominance in traditional marketing. Social media provides large audiences to the organisations and it is free to create. Social media encourages sharing and it increases brand loyalty (Drahoov and Balco, 2017). I felt great to know about the approach of the business in making social media platforms and benefits of social media. In the 2nd assignment, I learned to make research questions and it was for the first time, I got an idea about secondary research questions through a variable of the research topic. It was exciting for me to judge the methodology of the research and data collection process. Data collection process, I chose primary data collection through survey and interviews. My learning process got enriched as I was going through making the methodology and Gantt chart of the research timeline. Explain Plan how this learning will be applied In my future, I plan my future life as a team leader of an organisation and through the process of learning; I have a plan to be a senior manager with a team of skilled people. Manager's duty is to grow the organisation in line with business goals and objectives. I can apply my thought what I have learned through this assignment. Business research methods help to obtain data from the industry and consumers with many external and internal factors of the business (Kramer et al. 2014). Moreover, I will be able to apply my knowledge on social networking and I will also be able to make social media marketing plan for a small business that can help an organisation to have market share and profitability. Reference List Arends, R., 2014.Learning to teach. New Jersey: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Drahoov, M. and Balco, P. 2017. The analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the use of social media in the European Union.Procedia Computer Science, 109, pp.1005-1009. Huseb, S.E., O'Regan, S. and Nestel, D., 2015. Reflective practice and its role in simulation.Clinical Simulation in Nursing,11(8), pp.368-375. Knott, C. and Scragg, T. eds., 2016.Reflective practice in social work. London: Learning Matters. Kolb, D.A., 2014.Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. London: FT press. Kramer, A.D., Guillory, J.E. and Hancock, J.T., 2014. Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,111(24), pp.888-890. Wei, Q., Liu, D. and Yang, X., 2015. Infinite horizon self-learning optimal control of nonaffine discrete-time nonlinear systems.IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems,26(4), pp.866-879.